10 Ways To Improve The UX On Your Hospitality Website — Are Morch, Digital Marketing Coach

Are Morch
7 min readSep 24, 2020

UX design is simply a type of design that makes use of products that provide satisfactory and nice experiences to users.

It involves the design of the entire process of acquiring and updating the product. They include branding, function, and software updates. UX is often confused for User interface design. Although they work hand in hand, A UX design includes more detail.

UX designers concern themselves with the making and updating of the product. They also add more to the original product. It all begins even before the user purchases or hires the hospitality product. There are different hospitality products, of which one of the most common is hotel marketing.

Source: https://unsplash.com/s/photos/ux-designers

However, UX designs on websites and applications are a bit more complicated. Hospitality marketing is no exception. It is hard to create a seamless user experience for websites that provide services that make a user’s life easier.

There are plenty of options on the design and development front, which hospitality…



Are Morch
Are Morch

Written by Are Morch

Digital Marketing Coach | ❤️All things Hotels 🏩 and Digital Marketing | Digital Marketing for Hotels http://bit.ly/HotelCoach