Digital Hotel Marketing A Paradigm Shift Towards Enabling New Travel Markets — Are Morch, Digital Marketing Coach

Are Morch
8 min readOct 11, 2020

The coronavirus (COVID-19) is forcing hotels to rethink their digital marketing strategies. Travel bans, social distancing, mental challenges, newly imposed health requirements are now forcing us all to look at digital marketing from a new perspective.

Hotels that can use new technology and tools well to keep on going despite uncertain markets through an innovative digital marketing transformation will be ahead of the competition.

New technology is also making it easier for hotels to adapt to new digital marketing strategies.

Let’s take a look at how digital marketing is enabling a paradigm shift for hotels that are looking to tap into new travel markets today.

Why digital marketing matters for hotels

A recent survey by AHLA shows that as much as 2/3 of hotels will lay off more employees without further aid.

  • 68% have less than half of their typical, pre-crisis staff working full time currently
  • Half of the hotel owners said that they are in danger of foreclosure by their commercial real estate debt lenders due to COVID-19
  • Without further governmental…



Are Morch

Digital Marketing Coach | ❤️All things Hotels 🏩 and Digital Marketing | Digital Marketing for Hotels